Thursday, 9 March 2017

Short Evaluation of Horror Film Opening.

Overall, I think the process went well. I was doing it all on my own so I had to do lots more work than if I had have worked in a group. The advantages of working on my own were that I could create my horror film opening exactly how I wanted it, rather than having disagreements within the group.

At first, I had a bit of trouble trying to think of ideas and possible storylines that would fit the horror theme and also be interesting for the audience to watch. I wanted to create an opening that the audience would enjoy and from watching it be hooked and want to see the full film. I then came up with a few ideas and spoke to other people in my media class who gave me their opinion on each idea. I then developed my favourite ideas to create a storyline which I liked.

I enjoyed the filming process because it gave me experience of working behind the camera for a film- something that I have not done much of previously. I knew exactly how to work the camera because I have used it before to take photos and videos for everyday use and on holidays but never to create an actual film that would be viewed by people in my class and online. I carried out the filming process efficiently and quickly, as to not waste any time.

The editing process was my favourite part. I have previously used the editing software (iMovie, which I used to edit my film) to create videos from holidays and to help my friend edit a video for her acting project. Therefore, I was confident in this part and knew what I was doing with the software. I think the editing was clean and the continuity was good. When I questioned the audience after they viewed my horror film opening, the majority of people said that the editing enhanced the film which I was pleased about. I didn't really have any problems, I just struggled at the start to think of my storyline but once I had started and figured it out, it all worked out alright.

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