0.29- The close up shot of the doll cuts straight into a mid-shot of three people sat on a sofa. The lighting is dark enhances the horror theme because darkness could represent death, terror or that something bad is going to happen. Dialogue can still be heard throughout this frame.
1.04-This shot is a zooming shot, it keeps zooming into the doll which is sat on a chair and the end of the room where the other characters are. The background is very dark but a window can be seen at the back letting light into the room. The doll looks creepy with its eyes very widely opened and scratches over its face. As the camera zooms into the doll, you begin to hear tense music playing in the background of the characters’ conversation about the doll
1.15-It goes silent and as man picks something up off the floor. It is a medium long shot which cuts into a close up of the letter he picked up off the floor which reads “miss me?” At this point, the tense music with violins and high pitched string instruments begins to play again.
1.29- The characters walking down the hall and see the doll sat in the hallway. The characters continue to talk again here. It is getting darker as they enter the house and walk towards the doll. It’s so dark that only silhouettes of the characters can be seen. There is a spotlight shining onto the creepy doll which enhances the horror atmosphere.
1.44-The music dramatically builds up to create more tension as they walk into the room past the doll in the hallway. It is a low angle looking up at the characters as they enter the room. You hear the door creaking as they enter. The room is pitch black, apart from a lamp which flickers on and off quickly.
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